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used ray casting as default method
Damiano Falcioni authored

Points in OBJ

The application take as input a Wavefront OBJ file and an array of points, and return the objects that contain each point


cmake .
cmake --build .


points_in_obj ./sample/sample.obj "[[0,0,0],[10,0,0]]"



User Manual

Expected usage: points_in_obj _my_obj_file_path_ _my_array_of_points_ where:

  • _my_obj_file_path_ : is the path of your OBJ file. A sample is available in the sample folder
  • _my_array_of_points_ : is JSON array containg point, where a point is defined as a JSON array of 3 numbers corresponding to x, y, z coordinates (eg. [[0,0,0],[10,0,0]])

The application return a JSON array of object_list, one for each point in the input _my_array_of_points_, where object_list is a JSON array of object names in the OBJ file, that contain the point (eg. [["unnamed_object_0"],[]] means that the point [0,0,0] is included in the object unnamed_object_0, while the point [10,0,0] is not inside any objects).

In case of errors it return a JSON object in the form:

  "error": "description of the error"